Our group of companies with unique know-how and network

A strong group for mutual growth

A unique network

Our group

As a subsidiary of Manos Holding AG , SP Consult is part of a strong group of companies with several partnerships. Successful and innovative digital projects require interdisciplinary know-how and skills. With us, you benefit directly from a unique network of all companies in our group and holistic digital expertise.

Benefit from a network and synergies from 14 companies from different industries.

Thanks to the optimal interaction of digital and human skills, you will be successful with us in the long term. Long-term partnerships prove this impressively: From start-ups to medium-sized companies to global players.

In partnership


satisfied customers

Steady growth


million €

annual sales

Tech Power



DACH region



at 10 locations

SP Consult in detail

In order to take full advantage of the opportunities of digital transformation, a strategy with a holistic approach is required that considers the digitization of all areas of the company and processes. SP Consult supports you in your digital transformation.
We not only plan the path with you – we walk it together with you.